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NEPA Zebra's

Northeast Pennsylvania Zebra's

November 10

Net Cancer Day

This group was started for many reasons. First and foremost because of the need of support for patients, familiy, friends, and caregivers.


Living here in Northeast Pennsylvania we are rural and it can be hard to find the support that is needed especially when you have a rare condition. I know and understand this all too well. By starting this group and website I am hoping to bring people together to share and support one another, along with phsycians. A place to obtain some resource material, links, news about upcoming medical trials and any medical break throughs.


The goal for this group is to hold monthly meetings, start an annual Zebra Walk, Conferences in our area where we can bring in speakers to talk about NET's, and just over all support for one another and to always just obtain more knowledge and to further educate and inform our local health care professionals.


I want to bring more awareness about Carcinoid Syndrome, and Neuroendocrine Tumor's (NET's).

Many people are not even aware that famous people have had NET's; Steve Jobs CEO of Apple Inc. had NET's in his pancreas, and Dave Thomas founder of Wendy's, and Audrey Hepburn and had NET's.


Check out the Events Page for events that are coming up with NEPA Zebra's and events that we hear about through other organizations.

(Please note that we do not guarantee to post all events from other agencies/organizations nor do we handle registrations or guarantee registrations from other organizations.)


Please look around the website and share with family, friends, neighbors, physcians and all. 

If you have any suggestions for the website please let me know, I always welcome them.

Please note the website is in it's infancy!


I do hope we can get a Zebra walk done this year in our area and bring a lot of awareness to our neck of the woods!!


Hope to see you at future meetings

Please contact us  anytime

Thank You

Why the Zebra?

"When you hear hoofbeats think horses, not zebra's."

This phrase is told to medical students throughout their training.


In medicine the term "zebra" is used in reference to a rare disease or condition.

Doctor's are taught to assume that the simplest explanation is usually the best, so as not to go around diagnosing patients with all sorts of exotic illnesses are highly unlikely.

Common disease are what doctors should expect to encounter.


But many doctors seem to forget that "zebra's" exist, and so getting a disagnosis and getting treatment can be more difficult for suffers of rare diseases.

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